lunedì 20 maggio 2024

Lez #33+34 Resonant vs non-resonant stimulated Raman, numerical simulations.

 We evaluated the IRS(1) response under different resonant conditions, showing that dispersive and negative lineshapes are generated for off resonant and semi-resonant Raman pump, respectively. Positive peaks only arise when the resonance is exactly matched, and this condition critically depends on the frequency of the observed molecular vibration. 

Then, starting from the integral equation derived in the previous lecture, we numerically evaluated the RRS(1) response for different temporal/spectral profiles of the Raman Pump.

Specifically, we have discussed the following cases: 

- Gaussian profile;

- growing "nose";

We have discussed the dependence of the SRS amplitude and spectral resolutions in terms of the experimental parameters.

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